New to the world of craft beer? Here’s what you need to know

A row of beer taps at a craft brewery, showcasing a variety of brews for tasting and enjoying.

Craft beer boasts a rich history spanning centuries. But it's the recent craft beer wave that's got everyone buzzing. With a flood of styles and innovative brewing methods, it can be a bit of a head-scratcher to figure out where to start. No worries, we've got your back with this guide to help you get the basics of craft beer, from the different styles to finding the perfect pint for your taste.

Let's kick it off with a quick history lesson

Craft beer's roots run deep, with the earliest known batch brewed back in 9th century Europe. But it wasn't until the 1800s that the modern craft beer scene really took flight, especially in the good ol' United States. These early brewers were all about quality and creating something one-of-a-kind, and they set the stage for the craft beer bonanza we're enjoying today.

Now, let's dive into the brews themselves…

Craft beer comes in countless styles, from easygoing ales to hearty stouts. We can break 'em down into three main categories though: ales, lagers, and hybrids, each with its own unique flair.


Brewed with top-fermenting yeast, they're not your run-of-the-mill brews. Ales tend to boast vibrant flavours, often tinged with fruity notes. From the friendly pale ales to the dark and mysterious stouts, ales offer a wild range of sub-styles. These brews prefer a warmer embrace during fermentation, around 15 to 22°C, unlike their cooler-loving lager cousins. They are like the OGs of beer, dating back over 4,000 years, well before lagers came to the party in the 16th century.


Lagers use lager yeast, which is the chilled-out, bottom-fermenting cousin of ale yeast. These brews are all about cool vibes, fermenting at lower temps. Lagers are known to kick back for weeks, or even months, at these cool temps once they're done fermenting; a process called "lagering"… it's like the lagers' secret relaxation ritual. This ultimately delivers a clean, crisp taste without the fruity notes. Pilsners, bocks, and Munich dunkels are some of the usual suspects here.


Hybrid beers? Well, they're the cheeky rule-breakers of the beer world, refusing to be labeled as just ale or lager. They're like the cool fusion of both – imagine a beer brewed with ale yeast, but it's chilling at cooler temps, getting its lager vibe on. Or maybe it's a lager yeast beer, but it's living life in the fast (brew) lane, just like an ale. It's like a mad scientist's experiment, creating brews that are the best of both worlds, thumbing their noses at traditional categories. So, meet Kolsch, altbier, steam beer, and cream ale – the true rebels of the brewing universe!

Finding your beer soulmate

Now comes the fun part – when you're trying out a new brew, listen to your taste buds. Do you fancy something light and zesty or dark and robust? Sweet or bitter? Once you've got your flavour compass sorted, it's time to explore the world of craft beer.

Start by sipping a few different styles and keeping tabs on your faves. Yeah, The Beers! specialises in variety packs which are a fantastic way to sample a broad spectrum of beers without the exxy price tag of buying singles at your local bottle-o. As you get to know your chosen drops better, dive into reviews, visit your local breweries and even have a chinwag with the brewer – the more you learn about the beer, the more you'll savour its intricate flavours.

The craft beer scene is booming with new breweries and styles cropping up all over the place, so there’s never been a better time to immerse yourself in it! A big cheers to that 🍻


Stout season is here


Craft beer is in the air, everywhere I look around